December 2, 2024
Help us Light The Way Home this Christmas.
Donate to our virtual home to light a window or star, and support people living with the effects of family breakdowns, homelessness and poverty.
On an average week, a gift of:
– £12 helps to provide a Mentor for a care-experienced young person, giving them a trusted adult to rely on.
– £24 provides one-to-one Outreach Housing Support, helping people to manage finances and create their own safe place to call home.
– £64 helps to provide Supported Accommodation for a young person leaving care or at risk of homelessness.
For two hundred years, we’ve supported people of all ages facing the toughest times.
In the middle of a housing emergency, children and adults face challenges like never before.
Things are getting tougher with the cost-of-living crisis, alarming child poverty rates, and homelessness at an all-time high.
In our 200th year, help us to continue our life-changing work; keeping families together and preventing homelessness, one person at a time.
We have a lot of great work to celebrate, but a lot still to do.
Our Journey
Since 1824, we’ve provided on the ground support to people experiencing poverty or social inequality; people fleeing violence, family breakdowns or addictions. Whatever the reason, we aren’t here to judge – only to help.
Last year we supported 4,000 people of all ages with tailored one-to-one support. From providing safe homes to emotional wellbeing and family support as well as community outreach, we have always adapted our programmes to meet the ever changing needs of the communities we work with.
We will continue to be right there for as long as it takes for everyone to have an equal chance to create a safe and supportive place to call home.
Get Involved: Fundraising
2000 More: Our Anniversary Pledge
With your help we can support another 2,000 lives in our 200th year. Start fundraising today
Get Involved: Partnerships
Be part of our bicentennial legacy and help us prevent homelessness.
Our History
For some people, home is a place they’ve never been before. For 200 years, we’ve helped them find it. It’s a shocking reality that in 2024 homelessness still exists and inequalities continue to deepen. Since our founding our mission hasn’t wavered – we’ve always been here to help without judgement.
October 29, 2024
October 11, 2024