Join us in celebrating our 200th year by making a real difference. With ‘2000 More: Our Anniversary Pledge’ we pledge to grow our reach and provide 1-1 support to 2000 more people who are going through hard times.

Last year, we supported 4,000 children and adults, preventing them from becoming homeless.

But things are getting tougher with the cost-of-living crisis, alarming child poverty rates and homelessness at an all-time high.

For two centuries, we’ve walked alongside people facing hardships and inequalities, being right there for as long as it takes. And in 2024 there’s a need for our help more than ever.

Our goal is ambitious but achievable with your help. By taking on a fundraising challenge or kindly donating, you can contribute to our goal of supporting 2000 more people.


Change the lives of 2000 more people in Scotland with your donation or fundraising activity. 

No matter how big or small the amount, your generous support and kindness will helps us support people like 

  • Molly, a resilient 9-year-old who, despite her challenging experiences in foster care, is rebuilding her confidence through Right There’s 1-1 mentoring programme. Molly meets her volunteer mentor every week, where they have fun together and work towards Molly achieving her goals of going back into education.
  • The Connelly family, facing challenges with social isolation, have found support in having a trusted person to talk about their wellbeing and help strengthen family bonds, through Right There’s intensive family relationship support.
  • Stevie, 55, who was lacking a support system and was experiencing homelessness for a number of years, found a safe place to home at Right There’s accommodation. Helping him break the cycle of homelessness and having 1-1 support to take the next steps to create a more hopeful future.

Ways To Fundraise

  • Step Up At The Kiltwalk

    Join team #RightThere at The Kiltwalk – Scotland’s biggest fundraising in Glasgow and Edinburgh. With different miles to choose from it’s a great day – while raising money for Right There.

  • Set a 2000 challenge

    Whether it’s hosting a bake sale with 2000 cupcakes, crunching 2000 sit-ups, or beating your personal best at marathon. Set up a JustGiving page and start your fun-raising today!

  • Join our 200th Year Legacy

    Why not get your company, school or community group involved by choosing Right There as your charity partner for 2024. We can’t wait for you to become part of the legacy!

Thanks for your incredible support!

If you need any fundraising materials or support setting your fundraising efforts, get in touch with our team by emailing or calling 0141 565 1200

Please share your fundraising journeys and photos with us by tagging ‘Right There’ on socials and by using the hashtag #2000More


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