Your kind gift of a Magical Moment could last a lifetime.

By donating the gift of a magical moment, you could make a difference to the life of a child, young person, or family at Christmas and beyond.

Your gift could make a life changing difference.

On average it costs £28 a day for Right There to provide intensive family relationship support. Helping vulnerable families create stronger family bonds that equip them to enjoy and take on life together.


It costs £16 a day to give someone experiencing homelessness a safe place to live, so they can move forward and break the cycle of homelessness.


By donating £10 today, you could help a care experienced young person with one-to-one mentoring so they can start to reconnect with their family and enjoy life together.

Creating Magical Moments Every Day

At Right There, we prevent children and adults becoming homeless or separated from the people they love.

Walking alongside those going through hard times, we provide personalised emotional and practical support, helping people on their unique journey of creating a safe and supportive place to call home.

Everyone deserves an equal chance in life, and we are doing everything we can to prevent the trauma of homelessness. But sadly, we are seeing an increase demand for support. With more children being born into poverty and the cost of living and energy crisis making it tougher for families to get by, it’s a depressing reality that homelessness is at an all-time high in Scotland.

With your kind support, we can continue to be right there for people for as long as they need it. Nurturing people’s strengths and creating moments that can change someone’s life.

  • Rhianna

    “I really enjoy the time I spend with my support worker and doing things away from the house. I feel like having time with her alone helps me to open up and talk about things that are on my mind. I am even enjoying going back to school with my favourite lesson is cooking.”

  • Kyle

    “It’s been good to getting to know my mentor and spending time doing things out of the house. He’s made me feel more confident about speaking up and pushing myself to try new things.”

  • Tasha

    “For me, having someone there that I trusted made the support magical. I wasn’t scared anymore, I had someone who cared and encouraged me. Now I can go outside and I don’t have the same fear as I did a year ago.”

From everyone at Right There, we wish you a wonderful festive season with lots of magical moments.

Thank you.

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