Right There’s Head of Operations for Housing and Communities Alistair Connell, and his son Charlie, are taking on a mammoth walking challenge for our 200-year anniversary.

As Alistair and Charlie prepare for their fundraiser, which starts on the 19th of July, we sat down with Alistair and asked him more about it…


RT: What does your fundraiser involve?

Alistair: My son and I are walking the route of Hadrian’s Wall, and it runs from Bowness on Solway on the West coast all the way through to Wallsend on the East Coast. The route is 84 miles long and will take us 5-6 days to complete.


RT: Why did you choose to fundraise for Right There?

Alistair: Walking Hadrian’s Wall has been on my “To-Do” list for a while. I joined Right There in January and found out about all the excellent work that we do, in addition, we are celebrating our 200-year anniversary then I thought that I could contribute and raise some funds for the charity.


RT: What are you looking forward to the most?

Alistair: I’m looking forward to the physical and mental challenge of undertaking the long-distance walk, spending time with my son and hopefully enjoying some nice scenery.


RT: And the least?

Alistair: Blisters and seeing the stump that’s been left after the Sycamore Gap tree was felled.


RT: Tell us what Home means to you?

Alistair: Somewhere where my family and I can have comfort, peacefulness, security and stability.

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