Steve Black

Director of Programmes

Steve Black's Photo

Steve joined Right There in 2023

I started my early career working as a NHS manager both in Scotland and England, until the early 90’s when I moved into the Third Sector, and I’ve worked in this sector ever since.

From my earliest career I’ve always been involved with the provision of services for people who are ill, have a disability, mental health needs or are marginalised. My life has been about trying to narrow the gaps for people in poverty.

Throughout my career I’ve worked across disability services, health and social care, employability services for people with a disability, and homelessness linked to wider disadvantage and deprivation.

At a very young age, I had an interest in how the third sector can narrow gaps in inequality and how people can access housing, education, training or services that helps them to have a better life.

When the Right There job opening came along, it seemed like a perfect fit with my values, and I can’t wait to work towards broadening our offer to a wider audience.

In my spare time I enjoy reading and I would say I’m a fair-weather cyclist! I also love cooking and do a bit of hill walking from time to time.

“When I think of Home, I just think I’m fortunate to have one”.

Find out more about our strategic ambitions for more people to have a settled home life, and fewer people to become homeless or separated from their families.

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